Anke van Kampen
Position: Member of National Unesco Commission
Short CV: Anke van Kampen was born in 1947 in The Hague, The Netherlands. After secondary school she studied Dutch Language and Literature which she combined with editorial work and work in the Dutch Institute for lexicology. She was a teacher in various types of secondary education and vocational training from 1970 until 1978. In the next ten years she was working at the Dutch Council of Women’s organisation, where she was active on the subjects adult education, labour market and emancipation. In 1986 she was elected as a member of the City Council as a member of the Partij van de Arbeid (social democratic political party). In 1990 she was elected by the members of the City Council as a member of the City Government, alderman for Emancipation, Social-cultural affairs, Education and Migrant Policy. In 1994 she became an alderman for a second period, this time also for Social Affairs and Labour market policy. In 1998 she left the City Council and worked a few years at the University of Amsterdam on the subject of language acquisition for foreigners, from 2002 until 2007 she worked as managing director of Sardes, an institute for advise on educational matters for municipalities, the government, school boards and other institutes, in the field of education and youth policy. From 2007 until now she has her own practice for advisory and mediation, conflict resolution on conflicts in boards, school teams or policital settings. She is also a member of various supervisory boards, a child care organisation, an institute for vocational training, the SLO (Dutch Institute for curriculum development) and an organisation that stands for the interests of disabled persons in The Hague. She is also a member of the Dutch Unesco Committee, where she is involved with the implementation of cultural conventions and the Associated School Projects Network of Unesco