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Mr.Gao Sicheng


Position: A senior secondary school teacher and director at Qijiang District Education Administration of Chongqing, Besides, he is Chairman of the Rural County Curriculum Reform Alliance in China.

 Short CV: A senior secondary school teacher and director at Qijiang District Education Administration of Chongqing, Besides, he is Chairman of the Rural County Curriculum Reform Alliance in China. He advocates education for civilian, education for civic literacy, and education for all. In recent years, he has created Qijiang Model, a rural curriculum reform model, which is quite influential in China. His main research project ,Rural County as a Whole to Promote the Study of Classroom Teaching Reform, is awarded first prize by Ministry of Education of China.

Area of interest:Promoting the diversification of high schools , providing a suitable education for each student

Qijiang District of Chongqing Municipality promotes curriculum reform as a carrier to promote the diversification of high school, and strive to provide a suitable education for each student.

First, highlight the course selection and try to provide a suitable course . According to the idea of running schools and the diversification of development planning requirements ,schools highlight the course selection, providing a suitable course. Schools combine the national curriculum, local curriculum, school-based curriculum to construct a suitable feature of the curriculum system.

Second, changing teaching methods to provide the students with classroom activity. Schools establish the autonomous learning, cooperative learning, inquiry learning teaching routine, focusing on cultivating students' question consciousness, innovation spirit and practice ability. classrooms reveal a democratic, equal relationship between teachers and students.

Third, change the evaluation system, implementing suitable evaluation. The implementation of a plurality of students comprehensive quality evaluation lead development of students' personality, specialty development. Qijiang establishes  quality of school education "five-dimensional monitoring mode”. It contains incremental evaluation of the quality of teaching, promoting the professional growth of teachers, student questionnaire,management evaluation of the teaching process, and the evaluation of the landmark achievements . High schools within the region showing diversified development trend ,for example ,humanities, mathematics, science, art, technology, sports, and so on.


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